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How to Invite Omniful to Apple Account?
How to Invite Omniful to Apple Account?
Omniful avatar
Written by Omniful
Updated over a week ago
  1. Navigate to the Apple Store Connect page.

  2. Once logged into App Store Connect, click Users and Access.

  3. Click the (+) button next to Users.

  4. Enter the details below in the New User fields:

  5. Select the Admin checkbox under Roles.

  6. Confirm that the following boxes under Additional Resources are checked:

    • Access to Reports

    • Access to Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles

    • Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate

    • Create Apps

  7. Finally, click Next.

  8. Once you click Invite, you will see a confirmation message that states an email has been sent to our team.

If you need further information or assistance, feel free to reach out to the Omniful Support Team. We're here to help! Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns; our support team is ready to assist you with anything you need!

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