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How To Fill Out Your App Listing Form Like A Pro?
How To Fill Out Your App Listing Form Like A Pro?

Store listing info is crucial. Learn how to fill each section thoughtfully here.

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Written by Omniful
Updated over a week ago

Once you've completed all the design processes and setups for your app, you're ready to launch it. To fill out your App Listing Form effectively, follow the steps outlined in this guide!

Let's begin!

When will the App Listing Form appear?

  1. To fill out the App Listing Form, click the 'Launch' button located at the top right of the Omniful App-Builder dashboard.

  2. After clicking the button, you'll be directed to the 'Launch Settings' page where you'll find a chat box. In the chat box, you'll encounter a checklist video, which is a prerequisite. You'll have three options in the chat:

    1. Yes, I'm Ready to Go Live: If you already have Developer accounts and have given admin access to the Omniful App-builder team, they will upload your app.

    2. I don't have developer accounts: The Omniful App-builder team will create your account.

    3. I will be back: If prerequisites are not complete.

    If you choose option one or two, you'll be asked to enter your name, email, and phone number. If you haven't filled out the App Listing Form, you'll receive the link to do so.

What Does Each Title Mean and How To Fill Them Out Like A Pro?

  1. Shopify Store Url: Provide the URL of your Website.

  2. App Name: Your app’s name plays a crucial role in how users discover it on the AppStore & PlayStore. Choose a simple, memorable name that is easy to spell and hints at what your app does. Be distinctive. Avoid names that use generic terms or are too similar to existing app names. An app name can be up to 30 characters long.

  3. Subtitle: This is a short description that is crucial, especially for the App Store. Carefully select a set of keywords to build your subtitle. Avoid generic descriptions such as the “world’s best app.” Instead, consider using your subtitle to highlight features or typical uses of your app that resonate with your audience. A subtitle can be up to 30 characters long and appears below your app’s name throughout the App Store.

  4. Language: This is the language in which your app will be listed. Select the language accordingly.

  5. Description: This is the body copy that will appear on your app's page in PlayStore & AppStore. Provide an engaging description that highlights the features and functionality of your app. The ideal description is a concise, informative paragraph followed by a shortlist of main features. Let potential users know what makes your app great and why they will love it. Communicate in the tone of your brand, using terminology your target audience will appreciate and understand. Remember, the first sentence of your description is crucial as it is what users can read without tapping to read more in the AppStore. You have a character limit of 4000 in this section.

  6. Keywords: Keywords help determine where your app appears in search results. Carefully choose your keywords to ensure your app is easily discoverable in the searches you want. You have a character limit of 100 here. Maximize the number of words that fit in this character limit by avoiding plurals of words already included in singular form, duplicate words, and special characters unless they’re part of your brand identity.

  7. Privacy Policy URL: Fill out this field with the URL of the privacy policy on your store website.

  8. Support URL: This URL will be visible in stores to let your users know how to reach you in case of a support need.

If you need further information or assistance, feel free to reach out to the Omniful Support Team. We're here to help! Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns; our support team is ready to assist you with anything you need!

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