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How do I migrate my mobile app from another app builder to Omniful App Builder?
How do I migrate my mobile app from another app builder to Omniful App Builder?

All the essential information regarding the transfer of your mobile app from another app builder to Omniful App Builder.

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Written by Omniful
Updated over a week ago

If you already have an app live on both the App Store and Google Play Store, we can seamlessly publish your new Omniful App Builder mobile app as an update to your current app. This ensures that you retain all your existing users. Alternatively, you have the option to unpublish your current app and release the new one if you prefer.

Follow these steps to switch from another app builder to the Omniful App Builder mobile app builder:

  • Developer Account Invitations

Grant admin access to [email protected] for your developer accounts to enable us to handle the submission process for your app. Refer to this guide for sending Apple developer account invitations and this one for sending Google developer account invitations.

Note: Your current apps should have been published under your developer accounts. If they were published under your previous app builder’s developer accounts, request them to transfer your app to your developer accounts. Follow the guides below if you haven't created those developer accounts yet.

No files are required to update your existing iOS app. After authorizing access to your Apple developer account, inform our team which application you want to update with your Omniful App Builder mobile app.

  • Requirements To Update The Existing Android App

To update the existing Android application, provide the following signing key details obtained from your previous app builder or developer:

  • Keystore File

  • Keystore File Password

  • Key Alias

  • Key Password

If these details are not shared, the existing Android application cannot be updated. If you haven't received these files, follow the instructions in the below article:

How do I reset my Android keys?

Email these files to [email protected] after completing the procedures. Our team will inform you if there are any issues after conducting the necessary inspections. Once we have all the required information, you can proceed with the mobile app launch process checklist. Contact our support team for guidance on informing your customers about your new app.

Note: Avoid integrating your app with Facebook Analytics, Google Analytics, and Appsflyer before or during migration. Complete the setup once the migration process is concluded.

If you need further information or assistance, feel free to reach out to the Omniful Support Team. We're here to help! Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns; our support team is ready to assist you with anything you need!

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